Sunday, October 14, 2007

Project One

For our first assignment, Pascale asked everyone to dress as the opposite of how they saw themselves-on the left is our normal selves and on the right is the opposite of ourselves.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

(UN) Fashion Manifesto

(UN) Fashion In Progress

(UN) Fashion is based on the book by Tibor Kalman and Maira Kalman. In their book they document the different way people dress across the world. They focus on the odd and idiosyncratic details people put into their clothing. Through their book it is understood that fashion or (un) fashion is born from necessity and playfulness. With this as a guide, you see the first weeks of our work.

In the first work we challenged ourselves by dressing as our opposites. This broke down our inhibitions and conventions about dressing. From that point forward we understood how limitless our options for creating were. Through new inspirations picked out each week we challenge our own beliefs on what is fashionable and what is not.

Please enjoy our work

-Lauren Garroni